Business as unusual
In the sixth week of lockdown, we have all adjusted to a new, and dare we say, uncertain way of working. For many this might be working from home and more recently, more and more people across the UK are being put on to furlough.
However, after the initial stage of fear, uncertainty and probably a lack of clarity on what is allowed, we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.
Yesterday we undertook our first
film shoot for 6 weeks!
Now before we start getting the death stare, the raised eyebrow and possibly the c-bomb, let us explain! We have been carefully following the Governments guidance and putting our team, clients and general publics’ health as a priority. This has meant postponing shoots until “this is all over”, but let’s be honest, when will this “ALL, be over”?!

On the 25/04/20, the APA (The Advertising Producers Association) released a statement about new advice for production companies in the UK. This advice was focused around the ability for UK Video Production companies to still be able to continue producing content, providing it was under careful guidance and safety measures. They themselves will be publishing their own guidance later this week.
In summary, the measures are:
- People on a shoot to keep 2 metres apart.
- Human contact avoided, where possible.
- Minimal crew size (ideally 1 or 2)
- No large crowd scenes and actors and support artists to be kept to a minimum, if used at all.
- Only essential filming in public spaces – normal permits still apply.
- Some studios remain open, or utilise empty office spaces.
- Crew members to have access to PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), with hand washing facilities and hand sanitiser available for all cast and crew.
- Thoroughly clean down filming environment, before and after, where possible.
The governments advice (as outlined in Coronavirus update #21) is:
With the exception of the organisations covered above [this refers to pubs, restaurants etc.] in the section on closing certain businesses and venues, the government has not required any other businesses to close – indeed it is important for business to carry on.
Now more than ever are we seeing businesses and brands wanting video content to deliver a message out to their audience. This is both internally and externally. Although over the past 6 weeks we put focus on Motion Graphics, Animated video, and repurposing old filmed footage. Yesterday, we will thrilled to get back out doing what we love and what we are great at! The project was for an organisation directly reacting to the current covid-19 situation, that quickly required filmed content to push out to their audience.
We will be closely monitoring the situation and will adjust accordingly to Government guidance and advice. However, right now, we are open for business, it is just business as unusual.