Beat Flu

Public Health Wales were planning a campaign to engage children and their parents with the idea of a flu vaccination. They were looking to commission a bespoke animation to help explain to the children in-particular what would be involved and what to expect, as well as to help reassure parents about the vaccination.
What we did
Our in-house animation team began to develop ideas and styles that could be used to deliver the Public Health messaging. We then sat down with Public Health Wales communications team to chat through the various options, from which we were able to define the preferred concept.
We went away and designed and developed the various characters, whilst writing an informative script with an appropriate tone of voice for the audience. After character and style sign off we fully storyboarded the animation, before creating an animatic, sourcing and recording a voiceover and starting the animation stages.
Character animation is a craft of it’s own and in this case our character was the narrator, talking direct to camera. This meant a highly detailed and tailored lip-syncing. This then had to be fully adapted for the Welsh version, however gives a really nice finish to this style of video.
The campaign launch was delayed, due to the UK being hit with coronavirus. This also meant we had to make some adjustments 6 months later to acknowledge Covid in the video, as it was now so commonly known, but different to the seasonal flu.