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2D Animation or Motion Graphics

Animation is a great way to bring a brand to life, or simplify complex messaging, making it engaging and memorable for your audience.  Your creative options are infinite, whether you are looking for something sophisticated and technical, or fun and cartoony, motion design allows for any look and feel.

As a UK-based animation agency, that produce Motion Graphics, Character Animation and 3D Animation; we understand how audiences engage with animation on different platforms, and will fully guide you through the process, maximising your investment and helping you achieve most engagement with your video marketing.

2D animation process

Working to your brief our creative team will use their ideas, knowledge and experience to develop suitable creative routes for your project.  Once presented, you can feedback and we can narrow down until we find that magic idea that works perfectly for your requirements.

Key to the success of any animation is the content structure and narrative.  It is really important that a motion graphics video flows well to keep the viewer engaged and ensure the messaging is digestible.  Working from your key messaging, we can write your animation script for you.

Based on the script and the chosen creative direction we will design some style frames that will give you a good idea of how the animation will look and feel.  These will typically be a few single frames from the final video.  This allows for further feedback and an important sign off stage before moving further design work starts.

For our animation team, a storyboard is a really important stage, whether scribbled on the back of a napkin, or fully designed.  It allows our animators to understand how the video will flow and transition from scene to scene.  In some cases we will fully design each scene for your sign off, so you have full visibility of how the video will look.

At times, we will also turn this storyboard into an animatic, which is a video utilising the scene stills, typically timed to a guide track voiceover and a music track.  This gives a better idea of the flow of the animation, how long each scene will be on screen etc.

Where the magic happens!  Our animators will now begin to add motion to the graphics, bringing the assets and scenes to life.

Most often an animation would have a voiceover reading the script.  We would take guidance on any preferences for the voice, in terms of gender, age range, and accent.  We will then reach out to talent agents to source suitable options for you to choose from.
When recording voiceover artists, we typically take them to a professional recording studio, where we will direct their performance.  At times or if budget is limited we can record voiceovers remotely, or in our office studio.

Often overlooked, but adding sound effects into an animated video really brings it to life.  Our post-production team at Rockadove will record folly sound and dive into our sound libraries to find sound effects that enhance our work.

Music really adds to the feel of an animated video, so whether we have a composer score a unique track just for you, or we search through the various stock music libraries we have access to.  Our job is to find music that will enhance your animation.

View a selection of our animation projects:

How we work

After a kick-off meeting, where we will ensure we fully understand the brief, your requirements and gather key messaging for the content, our in-house team can get started. Full production will be managed by our project team at Rockadove, meaning your involvement can be as much as you are able to, or desire.
We love to work collaboratively with our clients, as this allows for fluid communication and input from everyone involved throughout a project, but we have a thorough animation process that we have developed over the last 14+ years that ensures you have visibility and opportunity to feedback and sign off throughout a project.

In my opinion, Rockadove are sector leading and a great example of the future. – MPCT

Some of who we produce 2D animation for:

Are we the right animation studio for you?

Let’s arrange an informal chemistry meeting, to chat top-level about your requirements, and see if we are a good fit.