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Campaign creative and production

The days have gone where you go to an advertising agency and pay through the roof for ideas, before the scraps of a budget whittle their way down to the production company actually producing the content!

We work with businesses and organisations to develop creative ideas for campaigns, then fully produce and manage all the assets required to achieve their goals.  The great thing is we can do this at a fraction of the cost, minimising the endless sub-contracting, and ensures that the idea agreed upon at the beginning, is handheld all the way until your audience see it on screen.

What a creative campaign can include (albeit not required or limited to):

  • Ideation
  • Market research
  • Audience insight and testing
  • Creative development
  • Full production and management
  • TV Commercial
  • Digital assets
  • Radio ads
  • Photography
  • OOH (out of home) design
  • Social content
  • Media buying

Our most effective campaign to date. – VeyGo (Admiral Insurance Group)

Why is this better than the traditional route?

You have one agency managing the campaign from start to finish, who understand video. We are video experts after all, so we can ensure than our creative ideas align with what is achievable within your budget, whether TV Ad or digital video, ensuring it takes centre stage in your campaign.

More of your budget will end up on screen, rather than being watered down by large agency management fees.  We are small and nimble, but have a proven track record of working with big brands globally to produce content.  Let’s utilise this knowledge and know-how to maximise your ROI on your next campaign.

Video strategy is a strength of ours, so we can advise how best to use video across your sales funnel, repurpose content for added value and longevity, and align video with the wider campaign collateral, from radio to print. Most traditional ad agencies are still using the same format they did 20 years ago for campaigns; TVC, Radio, OOH.  We’re surprised they aren’t suggesting the yellow pages to you!

Great attention to detail, offering their expertise, being highly responsive, meeting tight deadlines and delivering great results. – Public Health Wales

Who are we right and wrong for?

If you have a campaign production budget of £25k-100k, we are spot on for you.  We have good experience at this level and know how best to utilise it. Anything £250k+ you are probably better suited for a traditional ad agency who will be much better equipped to spend that level of budget, albeit we would welcome the opportunity.

Like dealing with a small team, where the managing director is still heavily involved in campaign work?

Let’s have a chemistry call to see if we are a good fit.